Friday, February 24, 2012


When I was five years ago decided to install the LPG car, the only place where I could get information about the LPG was the Internet, since at that time nobody in my area had LPG installed to the car. On many blogs and forums I've read a lot of smart things aboutli quefied propane, but I read a lot of nonsense also. So I am now, after five years of experience driving on propane,decided to write a blog about it.
Six years ago I bought a Audi 80. Audi was manufactured in 1989 but was completely in good shape. 1800 ccm, with the carburetor. While Audi has consumed gasoline He needed a about 8 liters in summer and about 10 liters in winter (per 100 km). Many people would say that I did not waste too much gasoline since to the age and engine capacity. But considering how many miles I crossed with him per day (approximately 100 km) it took me a minimum of 270 euros per month for gasoline.
It should be noted that Audi in wintertime conditions was not very quiet. While the engine is cold it should be harder to add throttle, trembling it up and did not receive throttle until the engine warm up.
I installed a LPG exactly five years ago, I paid for installation of 280 euros. It was the last day when I added gasoline to my car.

Authorized Service installed a Lovato equipment, and all they have done for 3 hours, quickly and professionally, they tested the car,gave me a guarantee of 30 000 km, and that's it ...
Until now I've driven 120 000 km. I had absolutely no problems with LPG. Car runs quietly and when the engine is warmed up, and when its cold. The engine has lost some power, but you can not even feel it when driving on flat ground. It is only on the hill and under full load is felt that the engine is slightly weaker when working with LPG. Power consumption is higher by an average of half a liter. Summer 8.5 Winter 10.5. But given that gasoline costs 1,10 euro and lpg only 0,50 euros per liter count how much money saved up after 120 000km. It was about 6200 euros!? My car is worth a maximum of 2000:))
I hope I have explained at least some doubts about the installation of LPG. If you have any questions, feel free to ask (in the form of comments), I will be happy to answer you.
The rest of the blog are some general technical information about liquefied propane and other comments.....


  1. That is a great saving. However, LPG is not at such a discount to Gasoline in many parts of the world. I would appreciate if you could shed some light on whether the Government in your country subsidizing LPG in any manner? or can you explain as to why is LPG so much cheaper in your country as compared to Gasoline?

  2. The price of gasoline and LPG is the same on the world market. Is around 0.40 euro. But a special tax on gasoline is an additional 0.50 euro. Because of this tax, LPG ​​is twice cheaper than gasoline.
